Climate change is causing winter temperatures to rise faster than summer temperatures, especially in high-altitude regions. This “asymmetric” warming could change microbial activity more than expected, causing problems for the vast amounts of carbon stored in soil.
Earth’s soils store more carbon than any other ecosystem other than the oceans, and if managed well they have the potential to store even more carbon. However, soil carbon is threatened by climate change. Researchers predict that as temperatures rise, the amount of soil carbon lost to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas will increase, primarily due to changes in the behavior of soil microorganisms. However, the magnitude of this warming feedback remains uncertain.
Ninglin and his colleagues at China’s Lanzhou University heated soil in experimental grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau to test how different patterns of warming affected microbial activity. Some of the soils were kept at ambient temperature, while other soils were exposed to a “symmetrical” warming of 2°C throughout the year. The third group was exposed to warming of 2.5–2.8 °C during winter and 0.5–0.8 °C during other seasons. This is a more realistic simulation of actual warming patterns.
After applying this treatment for 10 years from 2011 to 2020, the researchers tested samples taken from different soils for microbial activity. They focused specifically on two metrics: growth rate and a measure of how organisms use carbon, known as carbon-use efficiency. This has been shown to be the main determinant of the amount of organic carbon stored in soil.
“When microbes eat carbon, they can do one of two things with it: They can break it down for energy and breathe the carbon as CO2, or they can use it to build new body structures. It can also be used for,” said Daniel Russ of Natural Resources. The Defense Council is an environmental nonprofit based in New York. A higher growth rate means that the microorganisms are using more carbon, and a higher carbon use efficiency means that more carbon is stored in body structures rather than being respired as CO2. He says it means to be made in.
Ling and colleagues found that both warming patterns significantly reduced microbial activity. Soils under symmetrical warming had 31 percent lower growth rates and 22 percent lower carbon use efficiency compared to soils exposed to ambient temperatures. Under asymmetric warming, this effect was even stronger, with growth rates reduced by 58 percent and carbon use efficiency reduced by 81 percent compared to soils exposed to ambient temperatures. They attributed the difference to factors such as changes in nutrients available to the microbes.
“Their findings suggest that soil carbon stocks are likely to decline, reducing the carbon sequestration capacity of terrestrial ecosystems and reducing the effectiveness of soils for nature-based solutions to climate change.” ,” says Yiqi Luo of Cornell University in New York.
Russ says the fact that current models don’t account for asymmetric warming means they’re likely underestimating soil carbon loss due to climate change. However, he said this finding may only apply to soils in extremely cold ecosystems, and further research is needed to understand exactly what these changes in microbial activity mean for carbon. states. For example, despite significant changes in microbial activity, the total amount of carbon stored in the soil did not change over the course of the experiment.
(Tag translation) Microbiology