Kanji, one of the three POW Bonovo tested for mental abilities in research
Initiative of an ape
Bonobo immediately helps the signs of being able to guess the mental state of others who do not know what they know.
The ability to think about what others think and what is known as the theory of mind is an important skill that makes humans navigate their social world. It can recognize that someone holds different beliefs and perspectives for ourselves and support the ability to fully understand and support others.
The question of whether our closest living parent, Relative, has the theory of heart has been discussed for decades. Despite some complicated results, a great non -human ape seems to have some aspects of this ability, suggesting that it is evolved in an advanced way than at once. I am. For example, wild chimpanzees looking at nearby snakes seem to be calling for a group member who knows that they are not looking at it.
However, Luke Townro, the University of Johns Hopkins in Maryland, manages clear evidence that primates can track different perspectives and act based on them.
In order to investigate this, Townlaw and Christopher Crupenier of Johns Hopkins University tested whether three male Bonobos could be assured that three male Bonobos could cooperate at the Aoowe Initia Chib Research Center in Iowa. Tested whether they could show them by gesture to solve. 。
The table between Bonobo and the experiments had three upward plastic cups. The second researcher put a barrier between the experiments and the cup, and hid a snack like a juicy grape under one of them.
In one version of the experiment, “Knowledge Conditions”, the experiments were able to see where the treatment was placed in the barrier window. In the “ignorant state”, their views were completely blocked. When the experimental finds food, they give it to Bonobo and provide the motivation for the apes to share what they know.
TOWNROW and KRUPENYE examined whether the apes were pointing to the cup, and how sharp they were after the barriers were removed 24 times under each condition.
On average, they took 1.5 seconds for Bonobo to point, and found that they were pointed out in about 20 % of the tests under ignorant conditions. “This indicates that you can actually take action when you realize that someone has a different perspective,” Krupenye says. He added that Bonobos seems to understand the characteristics of researchers that researchers do not understand historically.
This simple but powerful study is experimental support for existing discoveries from wild apes, according to Zanna Clay, a British University of Dalam University. However, she warns that research animals have been raised in a human -oriented environment, and the survey results may not be applied to all bonovos. However, she added that it does not impair the result of the capacity.
Certainly, finding this ability with these three bonovos indicates that the potential exists in their biology, and may be the same for our common ancestors. It indicates that it is expensive, says Kurpenier.
“Our ancient human parent S is likely to have these abilities, suggesting that they can use them to enhance their cooperation and coordination,” he said. Says. “By understanding that someone is ignorant, our ancestors use these abilities to communicate more effectively with social partners, especially for evolutionary information, such as food places. , I was able to adjust.
(Tagstotranslate) Animal (T) monkeys and ape (T) animals