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Detect Their Failing Warp Drives

A new study outlines a way to detect extraterrestrial civilizations: by capturing gravitational waves generated by the collapse or failure of warp drives. It may sound far-fetched, but the concept is based on the principles of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Warp drive, inspired by Albert Einstein’s understanding of astrophysics, was the first It was mathematically modeled by physicist Miguel Alcubierre. 1994. According to Alcubierre, a spacecraft could achieve faster-than-light travel (relative to an outside observer) through a mechanism called a “warp bubble”. Warp drives do not locally accelerate the spacecraft to faster-than-light speeds, but rather manipulate space-time around the spacecraft. By “warping” space-time, such a craft could circumvent the speed-of-light limit in a manner consistent with general relativity, covering long distances in a short period of time.

The problem is that this model requires negative energy, a speculative form of energy that has less energy than empty space. This is not currently understood and is not achievable with today’s technology. This gap in understanding makes the actual construction of a warp drive a long way from Star Wars and Star Trekwhich belongs entirely to the realm of science fiction.

in study In a paper uploaded to the arXiv preprint server, astrophysicist and mathematician Katie Clough of Queen Mary, University of London, along with colleagues Tim Dietrich at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and Sebastian Kahn at Cardiff University, investigate whether a hypothetical collapse of warp drive could emit detectable gravitational waves.

When warp drives fail

Rather than pretending to know how to build a warp drive, scientists are using mathematical simulations to study its potential theoretical operation. In particular, the team focused on what would happen if a warp drive were to experience what they call a “containment failure.” Such a failure could cause a collapse that would emit detectable gravitational waves.

“Although there are many practical barriers to real-world implementation, such as the need for negative energy, computationally, given an equation of state describing the materials, it is possible to simulate their evolution over time,” the scientists wrote in their paper, which is now Open Astrophysics Journal.

We know that gravitational waves can be detected thanks to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which observes ripples in space-time caused by cosmic events. LIGO has already detected them. Proven Ability Such phenomena are observed from sources such as merging black holes and neutron stars.

Initially, the team tried to study gravitational wave signals from a hypothetical accelerator ship, but realized that a warp bubble collapse would be a simpler first step, and that such an event would likely produce a stronger signal, Clough explained in an email to Gizmodo. She added that there are no known physical mechanisms that would maintain a stable warp bubble, which is essential for traveling through space using warp drives and could lead to containment failure.

“We would need to somehow control the way that pressure responds to changes in the warp fluid’s density, or impose an additional containment mechanism,” Clough wrote. “This might be similar to how lasers are needed to confine plasma in nuclear fusion experiments. Our starting point therefore assumes that whatever contained the fluid somehow breaks down, leading to diffusion.” By fluid Clough is referring to a theoretical medium or substance within the warp bubble that needs to be controlled and contained.

Ripples that shake space-time

The collapse of a warp drive involves a sudden and dramatic change in space-time, causing powerful gravitational waves. The rapid redistribution of energy and matter used to distort space-time in a warp drive creates large disturbances, similar to how sudden motion creates waves in water. This violent event releases enough energy to create gravitational waves similar to those produced by merging black holes or colliding neutron stars.

The resulting signal would be “extremely powerful,” Clough said, due to the large distortion of space-time required to propel the spacecraft at a significant fraction of the speed of light (the paper states that it is between 10% and 30% of the speed of light). This disruption could free up a significant portion of the energy contained in the curvature of space-time, making the signal detectable.

The research relies on numerical relativity, a tool that allows physicists to simulate space-time under extreme conditions. This approach makes it possible to study and understand phenomena where extremely strong gravity acts, such as black holes and, theoretically, collapsing warp bubbles. By simulating gravitational wave signals that might be emitted during the collapse of a warp drive, Clough and her team suggest a possible way to identify such events, if they exist.

By analyzing how energy and gravitational waves radiate from such events, the researchers speculated about the signatures that advanced detectors might capture in the future. The strength and frequency of the signal depend on the size of the warp bubble. The paper gives an example of a 0.6-mile (1-kilometer) wide warp bubble moving at 10% of the speed of light. Calculations suggest that if the signal is strong enough, it would produce a 300-kHz signal that can be detected 3.26 million light-years away. The scientists say that this signal could be detected by a detector similar to LIGO but designed for higher frequencies. “Proposals for such detectors exist and are feasible, but are not funded at this time,” Clough said.

It’s fun to guess

The idea of ​​using gravitational waves to discover alien technology is definitely far-fetched. We still have a long way to go before we can use detectors like LIGO to detect this kind of alien technological signature. Plus, we don’t actually know if aliens follow science fiction-inspired concepts, which adds another layer of speculation. Although this field of research seems promising, it’s still deeply rooted in theory.

However, the impact of this research extends beyond the search for extraterrestrial life: understanding the signatures of warp drive collapse could also improve our understanding of space-time dynamics in scenarios that violate known energy conditions. Such research could push the boundaries of our understanding of physics, test the limits of general relativity, and lead to new theoretical insights.

“Going beyond standard astrophysics, as we did in this study, was a great challenge to adapt our methods and push them to their limits. This knowledge and experience will undoubtedly be useful in the future when studying more challenging areas of astrophysical applications,” Clough said.

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