Currently, among the more than 5,000 extra planets in the astronomer’s catalog, it was the most attractive but identified last week, and a potential fire and ice that can be potentially resident around a star like a nearby sun. It is a world of rotation.
This planet is at least 6.5, called HD 20794 D (because HD 20794 is the name of the star, because of the previously announced planetary brothers, HD 20794 B and HD 20794 C). This can be a relatively world -like world of rocks with a thin atmosphere -the so -called super global -that is like a mini -puchun with a thick gas. It may be a deep world. core. In addition to its uncertain properties, the most “interesting” aspect of HD 20794 D is the obviously non -circular 647 -day orbit. As Venus. This eccentric orbital route crosses a zone where the liquid water lasts and the possibility of life, but the cycle of plant heat and cold boils water or like ice. It may freeze.
And this strange new world is so close to appetite. In the short age of 20 light years from the earth, it is within the scope of a deeper and more scrutiny of future cosmic telescopes, and invites as an astronomer. Someday, in order to fix the true planet shape, researchers can scrutinize the world snapshot and find evidence of volatile climate from their unique orbitals, which can actually live. There was or even the inhabitants.
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The HD 20794, located on the Eridanus constellation, is bright enough in the sky of the earth. Its brightness has been raised on the priority list of the planet hunter, and it has led to a thorough monitoring of the stars, despite the mixed results. The planet candidate initially promised that it was proved to be an incorrect alarm.
This is because the hunting focuses on the empty HD 20794 movements accurately and the invisible world is looking for a periodic wobble caused by crossing the stars on track. The smaller the planet, the wider the orbit, the more subtle the wobble related to it. For example, HD 20794 D pulls the stars less than 1 meter per second. Observing such a significant effect can be a job for decades just by confirming that it is from a planet, not the turbulent, eruption or glitching equipment of the stars.
It is published in the journal Astronomy and astronomical physics,, This latest study is mainly based on data from two planetary hunting instruments, mainly in Chile’s European Observatory of Telescope, for more than 20 years: HARPS (high -precision RADIAL bone speed planetary searcher) and espresso (rocks) Echelle specification observations for stable spectrum optical spectroscopy). The important breakthrough was not actually an increase in the amount of data, but it was a better analysis method for identifying planetary signals from the noise of stars and tools, so Michael, a co -author of research, was led by Michael. Cretinier, a postdoc researcher at Yarara Oxford University, a new data reduction algorithm. And this task is not only to confirm the existence of HD 20794 D, which was first suggested by CRETIGNIER in 2022. In addition, while forming a case of another friend claimed to exist, further verifying the existence of relatives of the world’s two known planets. 2011.
“So it was a new type of analysis that could reach this conclusion. We are really convinced that (HD 20794 D) exists,” said Geneva University as an astronomer and co -author, Xavier. Dumusque says. study. But beyond its mere existence, the most fundamental and most attractive aspects in this world remain mysterious.
He states that simple things like HD 20794 D are still unknown. Renyu Hu, a decayed star scientist at the NASA Jet Promotion Research Institute, was not involved in research. Stellar wobble can indirectly provide only the minimum amount of planets. “If the true mass of this planet is actually about 6.5, it may be the earth, a large rocky planet,” he says. However, he added that it could be a fairly eerie orb, and the rock -filled core suffocated under a large amount of water or hydrogen gas. “I don’t think there is evidence that this planet has many rocks,” he concludes.

The eccentric track of the planet HD 20794 D hurries this world in the distorted belt of a zone where the stars can live.
(Dumusque etal. 2025) Gabrielpérezdíaz, SMM (IAC)
Jesschrysticansen, Chief Scientist at the NASA Explanet Science Research Institute at California Institute of Technology, has a similar reserved. She points out that astronomers have been able to measure the density and bulk compositions for many outside planets. “Looking at the (distribution) density, most of these (these) planets are not full of rocks,” she says. “But some of them are not unusual … and the three opportunities are worth the investigation a little more time, right?”
The unstable problem of this planet configuration approaches the center of its livability. At least, whether it can really be considered like the earth. “This is really important for chemistry,” explains Lauren Wis, astrophysicist at Notre Dame University, who was not involved in research. “If you think that life depends on chemistry, that chemistry will occur much faster on the two -dimensional surface than just floating in the universe, so the rocky surface is large (astronomer). I’m interested in being looking. “
The configuration of the planet is also a key to understanding what conditions are prioritized from the extreme decline and flow of the stars caused by the eccentric orbital. The world of fire and ice may not be hugged, but dumusque is a short cap, especially if the HD 20794 D is a “planetary sea” rather than a super -large planet Earth. yeah. “For example, if there is a deep sea on the earth, there is a pressure to play,” he says. “So we still have the surface from ice to liquid water. We know that life has appeared deep in the sea on earth.”
Such speculation is part of a vibrant and repeated theme in the exploration of several developments “Earth 2.0”. Many times, astronomers are surprised at the discovery of this wide variety of diversity to form a living planet.
Fortunately, astronomers should not be taken forever forever. Mission -like missions, such as a large -scale interferometer (life expectancy) of NASA’s resident World Headquarters (HWO) and ESA, measure the configuration, and the top and the top of the clouds. In order to measure the “sniphing”, the purpose is to directly imagine the potentially living world or take a picture. Their atmosphere of the noticeable chemical indicators of life. However, it was proved that finding an appropriate candidate with these telescopes is the moment of HD 20794 D stardom, according to Weiss.
“We have discovered more than 5,000 explanets, but many of them are really far away. She says she’s especially curious and tricky like HD 20794.
In fact, according to Dumusque and Hu, both NASA and ESA already have HD 20794 on the radar to include HWO and Life’s targeting shortlists.
“It’s absolutely not at the stage of choosing (HWO) targets, but we have an effort to list all potential targets,” says Hu. “I know that there is a lot of time in the time in a zone where you can live, and there is a planet where a potentially rocky planet goes around HD 20794, so it certainly makes the system more attractive by observing the future. Masu”.
In any case, according to Weiss, the search for Earth 2.0 is essentially 1.0 (exploration to learn more about our planets. ” When you start to measure the basic environment, it will look at our own origin and give a very powerful lens to appreciate the top of the solar system. Please thank you a little more when you are in space.