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HomeGadgets and ReviewsHow to Watch the Trump-Biden Presidential Debate Tonight

How to Watch the Trump-Biden Presidential Debate Tonight

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and President Joe Biden will debate tonight at 9pm ET/6pm PT. Hosted by CNN in Atlanta, the debate will be the earliest head-to-head presidential debate in modern US history, given that debates typically take place after summer political conventions, and the first of two scheduled before Election Day.

Presidential debates tend to draw large audiences, with about 73 million people tuning in to watch the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020. Pew ResearchBut it’s not clear how many people plan to tune in to Thursday’s debate, given the fact that Biden and Trump are perhaps the most disliked candidates of all time.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will not be appearing at the CNN debate. Kennedy will not appear on Thursday’s debate after failing to receive more than 15 percent support in four national polls of registered and likely voters, according to CNN.

Oddly enough, Kennedy announced on Tuesday that he would host his own “debate.” Live Streaming on XOur guess is that Kennedy will answer the same questions posed by the CNN hosts, but it’s unclear how well that will work, since most people will want to hear what Trump and Biden have to say and there won’t be any breaks during the actual debate broadcast for Kennedy to speak.

The FiveThirtyEight average of national polls has Kennedy at 9.8% of the vote, with Biden and Trump tied at 40.7% and 40.5%. EachThe last third party candidate to have a significant impact on the final vote count was Ross Perot in 1992. Perot received about 19% of the popular vote but did not receive a single electoral vote, a perfect example of how US presidential elections are rigged. Perot garnered significant votes from Republican George H. W. Bush and likely helped Democrat Bill Clinton win the White House.

This debate will be a bit strange in the sense that new rules have been established to keep Trump from talking over Biden. The first debate of 2020 was noted as one of the most uncomfortable presidential debates of all time. Trump rambled throughout the debate trying to establish his superiority like a kid in a schoolyard and refused to shut up.

To solve this, CNN has implemented a system that mutes microphones when candidates are not speaking. Demo Video Under.

Trump posted what appeared to be debate talking points. The truth of society on Thursday. And it’s not entirely clear why he did that. Was this a mistake, or some kind of miscommunication with his social media team? Given the fact that this was the guy who tried to make it seem like tweeting “covfefe” was intentional in 2019, we’ll probably never know.

Below are the different ways you can watch the June 27 presidential debate, including plenty of options for those who’ve cancelled their cable TV subscription.

CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump


  • CNN There is a live stream Youtube.
  • PBS News Hour There is a live stream Youtube.
  • C-SPAN There is a live stream Youtube.
  • CBS News There is a live stream Youtube.
  • ABC News There is a live stream Youtube.


  • Stream the debate Without cable login.

Old School Cable

  • CNN
  • CNN International
  • CNN Spanish
  • Fox News
  • A.B.C.

Thursday’s debate will be the first since 1988 that isn’t hosted by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which previously handled all the coordination and ensured the debates were widely broadcast on all major networks. But now that CNN is hosting the debate, all broadcasts licensed to networks like ABC and Fox will need to carry the CNN logo and say “CNN Presidential Debate,” according to a CNN report. LA Times.

Why aren’t the Biden and Trump campaigns using the Commission on Presidential Debates? Politico explainBoth sides were unhappy with the committee for different reasons. The Biden team wanted to hold a debate earlier than normal, breaking the committee’s rule of waiting until the nominee was formally chosen at the party convention. And the Trump team was being very Trumpian: they hate everything, and claim every aspect of society is teetering against them. It was an obvious decision to throw out the old ways.

One of the big unanswered questions about Trump’s candidacy is who he will choose as his running mate. There was a lot of speculation on the Sunday political shows, with NBC’s “Meet the Press” reporting that the field is narrowed down to three candidates: Sen. Mark Rubio of Florida, Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota, and Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio. Rubio is considered a longshot, but at this point, no one knows.

Burgum’s selling point appears to be that he has never meaningfully criticized Trump, while Vance once called Trump “the American Hitler” in a private Facebook message to a friend in 2016. Later leaked.

The second debate, hosted by ABC, is scheduled for September 10, and will also be held without the participation of the Commission on Presidential Debates. The election will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.



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