Intel has been under fire for nearly two weeks for instability in its 13th and 14th generation desktop chips. If you haven’t been keeping up with the news, a microcode algorithm was responsible for the series of warnings above. The incorrect voltage requests were sent to the processor, causing users’ computers to crash. That was bad enough, but then Tom’s Hardware reported that the damage caused was permanent.
Intel has announced that they will be releasing a patch to fix this issue in mid-August, which is a good thing, but what about the permanent damage? PC GamerIntel is Warranty extension The expiration date for affected boxed chips has been extended by two years. If the chip is included in a pre-built system, Intel recommends that consumers “contact the system manufacturer’s support team.”
It’s a good move, but don’t assume Intel is being good-natured: Law firms have launched investigations and reportedly filed class-action lawsuits against the chipmaker, which has extended warranties on its chips, a move that has been a great way to cut off irate consumers in the past.
But don’t be too hasty: Apparently, Intel is also having issues with warranty extensions, with some Reddit users reporting that Intel isn’t honoring its contracts. Jerubedo posted details of the unfortunate exchange on the r/hardware subreddit. I contacted Intel customer support regarding Intel’s RMA. I have not received a satisfactory response even though I have provided the company with all the documentation requested in the RMA (Return Materials Authorization) form.
Instead, Intel told Gerved that the products he purchased were “‘remarked’ and not genuine.” This was despite the fact that he had purchased two boxed 14900Ks, one from Amazon and one from Microcenter. Gerved went further, taking one of the chips back to Microcenter to have the retailer verify that the chip hadn’t been tampered with and was genuine. Intel refused to budge, stating that the chip was in fact counterfeit.
In a letter to Reddit users, Intel said, “As part of Intel’s ongoing efforts to prevent fraud in the marketplace, if a product submitted for warranty support is found to be remarked or otherwise fraudulent, Intel reserves the right to retain or destroy the product as necessary.”