You’ll never know who spoke the first sentence or what they said, but you can have fun guessing. Perhaps they came from the mouths of Stone Age men who wanted to defeat their rivals and win the affections of young women. He may have crept up to his girlfriend, surreptitiously pointing at his competitors and whispering words in her ear that translated into English to mean “fuck you.”
Is it ridiculous? Not so, if we are guided by the work of linguist Liljana Progovac. She points out that Charles Darwin described language as “half art, half instinct,” but most who study its evolution ignore the creative component. Her research addresses this issue by focusing on the wordplay involved in compound words such as shit-head, skin-flint, and lily-livered, many of which are now written as single words. I’m starting to fix it. She believes these are language fossils that point to a key stage in the evolution of language, the moment when humans realized they could string two words together to create very short sentences.
Moreover, after collecting examples of such phrases, Progovac noticed that they had something surprising in common. “They’re usually dismissive,” she says. And there may be evolutionary reasons for that.
Language is central to the human experience, but its ancient roots are difficult to study because it leaves no archaeological trace, at least until writing was invented. Nevertheless, judging by the communication systems of other animals, our ancestors could use simple sounds and…
(Tag translation) Psychology