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Browsing: Biology
For the first time in Europe, coral researchers have successfully fertilized coral eggs using frozen and thawed sperm. Spectacular images of coral spawning shed new light…
Sam Burns was a friend of mine. With his sage wisdom, he has inspired me and many others on how to get the most out of…
Sugarcane growth can be increased by genetic adjustmentPrzemysław Koch/Getty Images The growth of corn, sugarcane, and sorghum has been greatly accelerated by modifying the plants to…
Antibodies are normally protective proteins produced by the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. Its strength comes from its specificity. When you get sick, the…
Living in the desert is a challenge. But the Mojave Desert woodrat has an ace up its sleeve: it can eat poison. This allows the cute…
Warty comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi)Andrei Nekrasov/Alamy Stock Photo This may be the closest scientists have ever come to creating Frankenstein’s monster. The living parts of dozens…
The process of confirming the role of the MAL gene faced many challenges, including work by rival researchers who suggested that an entirely different gene might…
Athletics stadium at last month’s Paris Olympicsdpa Picture Alliance/Alamy TestedRose EveresNPR and CBC The Olympics are over. But I’m still thinking about the displays of strength,…
Iceland’s lava caves are just a small part of the vast underground habitats on Earth.Tommy Oh Photography/Getty Images Stefano Mammola was standing in a mossy forest…
After 30 days, the algae in the middle was still single-celled. But as the scientists examined algae from thicker and thicker rings under a microscope, they…