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Browsing: Ocean
Sea levels were much warmer last year than usual, as seen in July 2023Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF The ocean may remove much less carbon dioxide from…
Deep sea coral reefs are at risk of acidificationHoward Chu/Alamy Stock Photo Ocean acidification is penetrating to depths of 1,500 meters, posing new threats to creatures…
Construction of controversial Amazon basin dam facilitiesMario Tama/Getty Images The amount of land and water with formally protected biodiversity has increased by less than 0.5 percent…
Coral after bleachingfadhlanbr/Shutterstock Coral reefs may be better able to adapt to hotter, more acidic oceans than we realize, and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…
Remains TitanThe Ocean Gate submersible’s innovative carbon fiber hull was found to have separated into three distinct layers, National Transportation Safety Board engineer Donald Kramer said…
After they left, Titan The vessel was rebuilt with a new hull that had never been tested to industry standards or certified by an independent third…
The multidirectional waves generated in the circular tank were higher and larger than those in the unidirectional tank.Thomas Davie and Ross Calvert Ships, wind farms, oil…
Public hearings on the U.S. Coast Guard’s Titan submersible have begun with some startling revelations.”I told him I wasn’t going to be there,” Tony Nissen, Ocean…
Monday, September On the 16th, the U.S. Coast Guard will hold a Marine Investigation Board hearing on the Ocean Gate sinking. Titan The company has launched…
Sea ice in the Weddell Sea, AntarcticaSergio Pitamitz/VWPics/Alamy Antarctic sea ice has hovered near record lows for the second year in a row, strengthening concerns that…