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HomeGadgets and ReviewsThe Acolyte's Dark Side Fighting Style Has Some Old, Expanded Universe Connections

The Acolyte’s Dark Side Fighting Style Has Some Old, Expanded Universe Connections

thought Cortosis The only root Star Wars‘An expanded universe appeared Acolyte this week?In fact, another older concept was hiding in plain sight… well, from one perspective.

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Seeing a stranger, Mei’s Evil MasterYou might have noticed Cofar’s unconventional fighting style as he cuts through the Jedi in this week’s “Night,” as he constantly engages his enemies, launching attacks, disabling his lightsaber, then doing it again. It’s just one of many duplicitous tools in the Stranger’s arsenal seen throughout the episode, but not only is it a form of lightsaber combat rarely seen on screen before, it has roots in the Expanded Universe. Star Wars Website Night Trivia We’ve seen that the Stranger uses a form of lightsaber combat called the Trakata, which is defined by taking advantage of the lightsabers’ unique properties as melee weapons that can be switched on and off during combat.

It first appeared in the audio version by John Whitman for Tom Veitch. Dark Empire It was announced as a comic book series in 1994, but wasn’t officially named until Wizards of the Coast’s final release. Star Wars Role Playing Game In 2007, the Trakata was not fully developed. Practiced lightsaber combatRather, it is a philosophical technique that utilizes the ability to extinguish and reignite the lightsaber blade during combat to deceive or execute an opponent. The wielder of the trakata may temporarily extinguish the blade to force an attack, throw an opponent off balance and throw off their defenses with a sudden change in force over another weapon, or suddenly ignite the blade and bring the lightsaber hilt to the opponent’s head or chest for an instant, precise strike. The trakata was hated by both Jedi and Sith. To the Jedi, it was vile to deceive an opponent in what should have been an honorable duel, and to the Sith, it was cowardly to use a fighting style that belittled the power and rage that drove them.

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image: Lucasfilm

meanwhile Acolyte This is the current Star Wars Although there is a continuity, this is not the first time that elements of this format have been seen in recent works. Star Wars Vision In the Season 1 episode “The Elder,” a duel between a Jedi Master and a Sith climaxes when the Master momentarily turns off his sword and points the hilt at the Sith’s chest, igniting it and instantly fatally wounding the Sith, and a similar move is presumably used in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. The Last JediKylo Ren catches the lightsaber thrown by Rey and quickly ignites the blade, extinguishing it, but the hilt is now pointed at the head of the Praetorian guard who is holding him captive. AhsokaEpisode 4In “The Fallen Jedi,” Inquisitor Malok momentarily removes one of the blades of his double-bladed lightsaber while Ahsoka is in a lightsaber strike, momentarily throwing Ahsoka off balance.

The version of the trakata used by the Stranger is a bit different from previous examples, as instead of just quickly extinguishing the lightsaber, he chooses to step away from combat for longer periods before rejoining it, but it’s still cool to see an alternative. Acolyte Weaving together elements from all over the place Star Wars‘ history.

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