Middle -aged is time to know your joints. In recent years, I have learned that many tricks at parties at a young party (popping out the shoulders from the socket, bending their elbows backwards) have a painful result in the long term. Having a lot of damage to the incomplete skeleton for 20 years has also caused a lot of damage.
I am now clinging my teeth to a small movement assigned by physiotherapy, bending, twisting, and moving around. It is a small joint that screams at us as you travel as well as the hips, knees, shoulders, etc., but also a small joint that suddenly draws our attention, even if it is not an iboprofen. A crushed disc between the vertebrae and them. A joint between the teeth. Most people are not aware of the joints in the front of the pelvis, unless they are hitting in childbirth or sports, but you can see that this joint has been shocked in your life. The points of these movements cause arthritis and become stiff. The bones begin to rub each other. In the past, the operation that only pulled and applied pressure began to cause pain.
It is easy to blame the joint itself. weak. old. It is about to collapse. We were betrayed because the joints were so small that they didn’t even realize that they were there. However, joints are a symbol of anatomical victory. It turns so that it does not break.
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These points in which the two parts of the skeleton intersect are very important for movement, so at least twice this point was discovered during the evolution process. Whether it’s a crab or a cockroach, the arthropods have developed their own version. It is an external skeleton that allows these creatures to bend or escape. The internal skeleton we have expressed is probably from the outside of the ancient living body, that is, the scales of the bone. The spinal cord, which makes up our spinal animal, has gained the outer skin of the bone, about 420 million years ago. Current modern vertebraes are only piled up with 25 joints (26 or 24 if there is one or more vertebra). The bones overlap with each other and are separated by a sponge -like cartilage called disc. Before crawling from the sea, the joints were painted with lubricating oil. No, without them, crawl would not happen in the first place. Currently, the joints are improved so that insects and animals can slip, slide, climb, and run. You can also fly. If there is no joint between the bones, it cannot be against gravity.
The joints are composed of multiple bones and different bones. Most of our joints include union tissue, cartilage, and slubble wrapping (thin and flat bags containing liquid). They play a role in cushions and lubrication, and help bend our body quickly and quickly without making a sound like a rusted door hinge. This cushion is also needed for a joint that does not bend. Even if the specific joint is not helpful in bending, the skeleton can be moved and can withstand pressure.
Many joints are almost never aware of something until something has occurred. For example, you may not think that adult teeth should not move small in the jaws. However, in fact, these alveolar ligaments (specialized terms refers to a small ligaments between the teeth and the jaw) are always moving. They have a mechanical receptor (how to measure movement) to handle small vibrations that inform the texture of food. The impact of teeth increases and occasionally occurring is the final warning system that the nuts must be shelled first. You will be grateful later for not cracking teeth.
Our legs are distributed with two large loads into two incredibly small dots, not only standing, but also sharp, arched, bent, and bent. Its flexibility is due to 26 different bones that make up the ankle and legs, and all joints between them. This is an evolutionary workaround, adapting the flexible trees of our ancestors to a model that hits the paved road we are using today.
In contrast, the pelvic band looks like a continuously continuous bone ring. However, it is the bond of three bones on both sides of the iliac, sciatic, and pubic bone. On the back, the pelvic band binds to the sacrum at the base of the spine. However, there is a joint called pubic bonding on the front. This joint may move a little for adults. However, it actually distributes weight and helps to absorb the shock accompanying the weight of the upper body. This joint divides its mass evenly to the entire leg. When you give birth, this joint becomes softer and very flexible. Create extra space for the baby to pass through the birth canal by bending, turning, bending, and stretching. Then, most of the time, return to the original state.
The joints are essential for us to experience the world, but until the joints begin to break, we think the joints are natural. Arthritis is a chronic swelling with pain that occurs with aging, and enters the joint between the bones. The slubble wrap is inflamed and becomes spherical. Ringing food for decades will put a heavy burden on your teeth. After running or walking for years, the spring will be lost from our feet, and the pelvis and spine joint will be worn at the same time as giving birth.
As you age, the disc is compressed by the weight and weight of the years. They may pop out into the space between the vertebrae, compress the nerve root, and become a herniated disc. The spine endures not only the weight of the indiscriminateness of our youth, but also the weight of our evolution fate. When our ancestors were upright, we asked many vertebrae. The hard spine could not stand straight against physics and bent. We gained lumbar lordinosis, that is, shaking. Unfortunately, the curve can withstand our upper body pressure. When sitting, our lumbar vertebralus costs 100-175 kilograms (220 to 385 pounds). The weight when standing is 90-120 kilograms (198-264 pounds). Nevertheless, our discs will endure their mass and improve their exercise.
When thinking about the strength of the body, we think of long bones and muscles, or things that crack or tear only when the worst pressure is applied. In contrast, the joint looks weak. One of the reasons is that the joints are broken before the bones. But their flexibility is our defense. All strange teeth movements are a sensation and avoid broken teeth. Every time you move your waist, it means when your waist does not break. Every time you take a step or lift your weight, the bone joint is applied, and the joints slowly loosen. The joint reminds me that there is strength in flexibility.
This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author are not necessarily the author’s view. Scientific American.