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HomeGadgets and ReviewsTrump Media Stock Price Surges Following Disastrous Biden Debate

Trump Media Stock Price Surges Following Disastrous Biden Debate

Shares in former President Donald Trump’s media companies soared on Friday following a presidential debate that was widely seen as a complete disaster for his opponent, current President Joe Biden.

Trump Media & Technology Group (parent company of Trump’s social media sites) The truth of society) rose 5% at the market open on Friday morning, Quartz reported. ReportsThe company’s shares, DJT, also rose 15 percent in premarket trading on Friday, according to the outlet.

TMTG went public earlier this year. Highly publicized transactionsand has a reputation as a particularly volatile stock, prone to price spikes. Compared It’s become a meme stock. Predictably, Friday’s rally was short-lived; shares fell again later in the day, down 6%. But the selloff was yet another indication that the success of his media companies is tightly intertwined with his political fortunes.

Market success is primarily temporary. Attributed According to the results of the first presidential debate of the election season on Thursday, CNN Poll67% of respondents considered Trump to be the winner of the debate. But according to CNN, Trump made dozens of false claimsTrump’s presentation was noticeably more forceful than Biden’s: he didn’t mince words, and while many of his comments sounded unprecedented and outrageous (at one point he said Biden “might be a convicted felon as soon as he leaves office” and that he was a “criminal” and had allowed the United States to be “destroyed”), unlike Biden, they were delivered in forceful and assertive terms.

There are no sugar-coatings. Biden delivered a nasty speech on Thursday. His answers were incoherent, barely audible and rambling, and he sounded very old and tired. At one point, the 81-year-old president stammered painfully for several seconds about what God only knows. Before declaring Illogical statement: “We finally defeated Medicare!” In another scene, Biden was about to discuss abortion. He spoke at length about rape. The president debated the US and immigration at an uncomfortably long pace. Throughout the debate, he looked like a dying fish, staring around the room with a blank look on his face and his mouth slightly open.

Democratic activists are said to be now freaking out about how badly their candidate has performed. “Biden is gone. We’re declaring that now,” one Democratic activist said. He told Politico After last night’s debate ended, Biden announced his withdrawal. “Biden should withdraw, that’s for sure,” said another political insider. He told the mediaEven more dire, a party donations adviser quipped: “Our only hope is that he will either withdraw or we will hold a brokered party conference. [he] “We’re going to die. If we don’t, we’re dead.”

The question remains as to why anyone thought a debate was a good idea in the first place. Anyone with any knowledge of politics has known for years that Biden has a hard time putting together coherent sentences when the cameras are nearby. Still, after Thursday night’s debate, Biden seemed resilient. Give a speech The speech, given on Friday in North Carolina, was surprisingly persuasive, energetic and pretty good. “Where was this guy last night?” Washington Post columnist People who attended the event.

People inside the Democratic Party now They are reportedly discussing the possibility of replacing Biden. It’s on the list of candidates, but only if Biden himself agrees with the idea, which he doesn’t appear to be planning to do. “Of course he’s not going to back out,” said Biden spokesman Seth Schuster. He told The Hill Friday.



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