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HomeGadgets and ReviewsWaste Your Life Playing This Game Where You Check Boxes Forever

Waste Your Life Playing This Game Where You Check Boxes Forever

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If you’re looking for new ways to waste time while pretending to be productive at work, you’re in luck: a new game has hit the Internet that is truly a time-waster.

of 1 million checkboxes This game has been gaining attention on internet forums and elsewhere lately. Reddit and Hacker Newsand the number of players is exploding. How do you play? It’s surprisingly simple: you have a million boxes, and you check as many as you can. Click on a box to check it or uncheck it. That’s it. That’s the whole game. The problem is that many other people are playing the game at the same time, all checking and unchecking boxes. This can make your effort to check all the boxes infinite. What would happen if all 1 million boxes were checked? Would that even happen? Who knows?

One Million Checkboxes Eiyo Gameis a website created by software engineer and independent game developer Nolen Royalty. Royalty’s other games include oddities like: Tele-eye grapha game that converts blinks into Morse code, or Stranger VideoIt’s a game where you use your webcam to stare at strangers for as long as you like. Talk Paper Scissorsallows you to play rock-paper-scissors with strangers by calling a specific phone number.

1 Million Checkboxes seems to be exploding in popularity lately. TechRadar Reportedly The game has sparked an online “war” between checkers and non-checkers, apparently involving tens of thousands of users. Claims At one time, it was said that as many as 500,000 players were participating.

On his website, Royalty explains (or doesn’t explain) why he created One Million Checkboxes: “I don’t really know. The idea came to me in a conversation last Friday and I felt compelled to create it,” he writes.

“The site was fun to build and it got me thinking about new collaborative spaces that I want to explore,” Royalty said, adding that he created the game in just two days.



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