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HomeHow-To Guides and TutorialsWatch Jon Stewart respond to disgruntled young voters on 'The Daily Show'....

Watch Jon Stewart respond to disgruntled young voters on ‘The Daily Show’. BTS

“We think the world is awful in the moment we’re living in, but we have to stay optimistic because the images they present to us are meant to heighten our fears. That’s the way they do it. Oh, I’m going to love tonight’s show.”

That’s what Jon Stewart said to a 22-year-old voter. The Daily Showtold the hosts in the behind-the-scenes clip above that she and many other young people feel frustrated with the world, the candidates being chosen for office and the way they are getting their voices heard.

“You know advertisers look at a lot of different age groups,” Stewart continues in the video, “but the age group they look at the most is 18-24. That’s what it’s all about for them. Use that power. I’m 61 and I’m not on the list anymore… Don’t underestimate the power that you have. You have incredible power.”

Show more The Daily ShowPre-election coverage is here.



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