Thanks to 16 years of tireless work in Marvel filmmaking, we live in the era of shared universes. In fact, it has been like that for a while, but now things have evolved to a higher level of wanting to mimic the success of Marvel’s interconnected texts. It’s not enough to just follow in their footsteps and rush to build your own connected universe, BrandingThe problem is, “MCU” is simple and easy to understand — three letters and exactly what it sounds like: Marvel Cinematic Universe — and some studios just don’t seem to get it.
Warner Bros. has announced that they now have a way to officially call Matt Reeves’ collection of films and TV shows. Batman Continuity: “Batman Epic Crime Saga”, or TBECS for short. It comes right out of your mouth!
The announcement comes thanks to Entertainment Weekly’s latest preview of HBO/Max/The Artists (previously known as HBO Max Shows). other brand issues), penguinIt is the first TV series based on TBECS, and according to producers Matt Reeves and Dylan Clark, who use TBECS as an internal reference point, it also necessitates its existence. Batmanits sequel, and penguinAfter all, when you start mixing TV shows, you start thinking, “Matt Reeves’ Batman “Movies” is not enough. No one at Warners wants Matt Reeves’ Batman Universe or MRBU. What they want is TBECS.
This is just the latest in an awkwardly long line of MCU acronyms being forced on audiences and fans by studios who have no idea what they even work for in the first place. Sony botched their Spider-Man branding twice, first with SPUMC (Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters) and then with SSU (Sony’s Spider-Man Universe) when they realized it wasn’t a good idea to name a movie universe after what Peter Parker does when he gets too excited about sticky threads. The problem is, no one outside of Sony’s business executives calls those movies part of SPUMC or SSU. Everyone just says Spider-Verse because it’s simple, short, already part of the movie language and gets the point across.
The same thing will happen with TBECS. Fans will say it’s too gritty, too flashy, too much noise. Warner Bros. is going to have to rethink the DCU (or the DCEU, as it was before). Expansion Would anyone outside of Matt Reeves and Dylan Clark, or Warner Bros., seriously say “Batman Epic Crime Saga”? Probably not. But… teeth It’s fun to imagine it as an onomatopoeia for a comic book scene in which Batman punches down bad guys.
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