Rachel Feltman: Listeners, Happy Monday. for Scientific AmericanOf the Quickly scienceI’m Rachel Feltman. Catch up the latest scientific news and start the week.
(Clip: “It has nothing to do with my job”, by Arthur Benson)
Feltman: First, we obtained a simple latest information from our staff. Siam Correspondence. On January 20, President Donald Trump signed a presidential decree, indicating the intention of leaving the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). Tanya Lewis is a senior editor in charge of health and medicine. Scientific American。
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Tanya Lewis: The World Health Organization is a UN organization. Established in 1948, about 200 countries are affiliated. The scope is quite extensive, from efforts to expand medical access around the world to the occurrence of illness and pandemic.
There, President Trump issued a presidential decree to withdraw from the WHO, but it takes a year to all procedures. Biden tried to do this during his previous term, but Biden withdrew before the beginning.
President Trump says he will withdraw because he believes that the new Coloronavirus was inadequate to the pandemic, and that the United States paid an unfair sharing to the organization’s funds. Ta. It is true that we pay the largest amount of member countries, but most of our donations are actually spontaneous and assigned to specific projects.
(Clip: “THE FARMHOUSE”, written by Silver Maple)
Lewis: WHO is by no means perfect. During the pandemic, some remarkable mistakes were committed. For example, government agencies initially denied the possibility of virus infection, and it was very slow to correct that idea, but still communicate information to each country and support access to vaccine and illness. It played an important role in doing. 。
The WHO’s authority is very wide, and it is probably difficult to achieve one goal, and after all, the authority to enforce the rules is actually lacking.
Being a member of the WHO means that the United States will arrive at a discussion table on how other countries in the world will deal with serious health issues, and experts will withdraw. He said that there would be a blank, and that China would probably fill the blanks. The WHO also shares important data and information such as the genetic sequence of SARS-COV-2, a virus caused by the new colon virus. Our CDCs and other health agencies can fill some of these gaps, but the withdrawal of the United States will definitely have a significant impact on the WHO and other countries. If you face a pandemic pandemic of bird flu, which is increasing in the United States, is especially important.
Many WHO member countries are low -income or middle -income countries, and they rely on public health expertise in US scientists because they do not have their own powerful CDCs. These countries may be much more difficult to fight the outbreak of illness and improve medical access. And although the WHO has gained much more than the United States, it is very important to participate in these major conversations on global public health threats. Because, if we have learned from the pandemic of the new colon virus, it means that viruses and illness do not respect borders, and we know what threats are around the world. Otherwise, you cannot protect Americans in Japan.
Feltman: Thank you for explaining, Tanya. Listeners, as we move forward, we will monitor this presidential decree and other presidential ordinances related to science and health.
Now, check out space news and forget a little about the earth.
(Clip: “Handwrite”, by Frank Johnson)
Feltman: Scientists publish in magazines last Tuesday Astronomy and astronomical physics He explained an out -of -system planet with a wind speed to be ashamed of what was found in our solar system. The WASP-127B, which is about 520 light years away, has a super-speed jet airflow that has never been seen before. In the equator of the earth, the wind blows at about 20,100 miles per hour. According to Reuters, there are some other outside planets with a faster atmosphere, which is the fastest jet stream that turns around the entire planet. Explaining the context, the jet stream of our own planet can exceed 440 miles / h. And the fastest wind of Neptune, which is widely thought to have the strongest wind in the solar system, can exceed 1,100 miles / h.
WASP-127B is a kind of giant gas planet known as “Hot Jupiter,” which means that it is very close to the main star. This world is about one -third of Jupiter, but the mass is only about 16%, so it is quite fluffy. In addition, one side faces the sun and always hits sunlight. In fact, one of the research authors told Reuters that this intense radiation is the main source of energy in the intense wind.
When I returned to Earth, the latest information on bird flu came in. On January 17, the United States Food and Drug Administration announced new policies and regulations for pet food manufacturers, following the death or illness of a dozen domestic cats. According to the agency, in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California, the H5N1 infected people of domestic and wild cats are related to raw food. According to the CDC and the American Veterinary Association, cooking and low -temperature pet foods are the safest options, especially in consideration of bird flu. However, the FDA is currently calling for and implementing a food safety plan in consideration of H5N1 for cat food and dog food manufacturers that use raw poultry and beef products.
(Clip: “IT DOESN’T END HERE (Instrumental)” by Nehemia Plat)
Feltman: For some pets, bird flu infection can have serious results. Dogs generally experience only mild symptoms even if they are infected with H5N1, but cats may experience seizures and blindness. According to the U.S. Veterinary Association, it is not at present that cats can infect bird flu to humans, but such dangers are extremely low, but not zero. Of course, if you are consuming raw dairy or non -sterilized products, you will be even more dangerous. However, if you are worried about changing your shopping habits for yourself or your pets, good news. There is no evidence that raw dairy products have some health benefits to humans. At least there is no effect that you can not obtain by drinking low -temperature sterilized dairy products. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association states that the same applies to raw cat meat and dairy products.
Other health news provides two new research advice to deal with surgery and serious illness. Papers published on Tuesday British sports medicine journal Focusing on how physical strength can improve the results of cancer treatment. This paper has reviewed 42 researches for about 47,000 patients, associated with the significant decrease in the risk of death, and has the same relevance of cardiopulmonary function. I found. Researchers have stated that customized muscle training and other workout programs may promote better outstanding of cancer patients.
(Clip: “That rainy day”, by Elm Lake)
Feltman: Another study was published last Wednesday. Bmj I explored the importance of prefabricated and alias prefabricated. Probably, you already know the rehabilitation, or the concept of physiotherapy and support after certain types of surgery. Prefabric will allow people to access nutritional support, exercise guidance, cognitive training, and other services that can be useful. in front Planned surgery.
A new study that reconsidered more than 186 clinical trial data for more than 15,000 patients has given the consistent evidence that prefabs will improve surgery results. Researchers have stated that the effects of the exercise -based prefabricated program are particularly remarkable. Researchers accurately have the most effective prefabricated and requested further investigations for the reason, but the leading author of the research is a press release and preparing for surgery, prefabricated. An option that states that asking a doctor is always a good idea.
Now, let’s end with a fun story. You’ve heard that laughter is transmitted and yawning is transmitted. But what about peeing that is transmitted?
According to the research announced last week Current biologyKyoto University researchers reported on abnormal social phenomena in chimpanzies bred. Researchers spent more than 600 hours for animal observation, and after seeing other chimpanzies peeing, they concluded that chimpanzees would be slightly higher. As the chimpanzies approached physically, the effects increased further.
(Clip: Theme music)
Feltman: Researchers also realized that the social status of chimpanzies seemed to have influenced their urine influencers. In other words, the lower chimpanzee is likely to imitate the toilet behavior of the upper chimpanzee. I say: “What is it!”
That’s it for this week’s news summary. Return to Wednesday and talk about the sun science. And on Friday, we talk to human behavior experts about why they are as good as they think they are so cute.
Quickly science This work is produced by Rachel Feltman, Fonda Mwagi, Kelseo Harper, Madison Goldberg, and Jeff Delvisio. Shaina Poses and Aaron Cartac are checking the facts of the program. Our theme music was composed by Dominik Smith. Subscribe Scientific American See the latest and more detailed scientific news.
for Scientific AmericanRachel Feltman. Please spend a good week!