January 29, 2025
4 I will read the smallest
Which food is the most super fast? The new system ranks them
Scientists have created the ranking of items in grocery store based on the degree of processing.
Most grocery stores seem to provide infinite options for cereals, pasta, and baked goods that can be used in hundreds of shapes and flavors. However, looking at the list of these foods in detail, it is shown that some of them have no options. New studies have one common point in most of the products on grocery shelves. They are very processed.
Food shops are the main sources of ultra -high -processing foods in US diets, not at fast food outlets and convenience stores. Such foods are made using industrial processes and materials that are not found at home. In order to measure how popular these foods are on the shelves, researchers have analyzed more than 50,000 items at three major stores selling food in the United States using machine learning algorithm: Hall Foods, Wal -Mart, Target. The result released on January 13 Natural food,, It has been revealed that the highly processed options dominate the inventory in all three retailers. However, Wal -Mart and the target provided a higher percentage than the hole food, and the minimum minimum options were slightly diverse.
Having a wide range of brands on the shelf gives shoppers a “fantasy of choice”. Despite various packaging, most of the super -positive foods share common prescriptions. It contains a lot of sugar, salt and oil, and usually contains additives that increase flavor, color, and storage life. Certain industrial processes also change the texture of raw ingredients, which can remove nutrients.
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Meals, which have a lot of ultra -high -processing foods, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high risk of heart disease are related to poor health. But not all of these foods are equally bad for you. In 2024 research by researchers at a public health school at Harvard University, a lot of sugar -rich drinks and processed meats are associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases higher than these low foods. I understand, but the opposite applies to bread and grains. Yogurt and dairy dessert. These foods can be part of a healthy diet, but new discoveries indicate that the options in these categories may be limited. For example, in bread, consumer choices are often dominated by shelf stable varieties containing sugar and other additives instead of all -grained flour bread.
Maya Vadiveru, an associate professor of Nutrition of Lord Island and the Lifestyle Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association, can overwhelm the problem of super -high ROCESSING only for food. I say that there is. Ultra -processed foods are often dominated by items equipped with saturated fat, salt and sugar. However, in some studies, overdose of ultra -processed foods often lack protein, easy to eat, and very good, can lead to weight gain. Suggests that.
Researchers learn more about the specific harm of ultra -high -processed foods, but the challenges for consumers are limited to available alternatives. In some food categories, consumers are rarely faced or at all, according to new surveys. Specific products such as chips, bread, and pizza have become almost universally positive at three stores. In contrast, other categories, such as serial, milk, and snack bars, provided more options, from minimal processing to highly processed.
But the choice depends on where you are shopping. For example, wholesome grains have a wider range of processes, have a relatively small sugar and flavor additives compared to the serials of the other two chains, and are much more likely to contain corn syrup. It has become.
Effective prices complicate photos. In general, as the processing level rises, the price per calories decreased. This is the most prominent trend of soup, cake, macaroni, cheese and ice cream. On average, ultra -high -processed foods cost about half of the minimal processed counterpart. Menicetti says this is a practice to strengthen nutritional inequality. “This is hitting a specific segment of the population,” she says.
The substantial percentage of ultra -processed foods on our shelves may be much higher than reported, and nutrition at the University of North Carolina University, which was not involved in research. A prominent professor Barry Popkin says. He says that the author used the food as an ultra -high processing, although the food was considered an ultra -high processing, and used the “Sample that represents about one -eighth of the unique package food in the United States.”
The new scoring system shows the transition from the widely used nova classification. This defines ultra -positive foods that contain additives or industrial ingredients. The author’s system called FPRO is one step further. Analyze the food nutrition profile to estimate the degree of processing. In other words, we recognize that “processed” foods exist along the spectrum. The team is currently improving the model to predict the specific industrial process received by food before reaching the shelf.
Beyond the complexity of scoring processed foods, Popkin provides simple rule of thumb. As long as the budget is allowed, we will shop around the items around the store. In addition, processing scores may distinguish similar items, but if the processing is small, it does not necessarily mean health. Cookies are still cookies, no matter how much it is processed.