January 22, 2025
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Why does falling snow bring us childlike joy?
Snow’s appeal goes beyond the nostalgic memories of her childhood away from school.

Just a few degrees can transform a gloomy rainy day into a magical landscape that looks like something out of a snow globe. Alan Stewart, a weather and climate psychologist at the University of Georgia, says the weather is “some things more glorious and more beautiful than others.” Of course, some people hate snow, but there are some strong scientific reasons why many people are fascinated by silently falling ice crystals.
For those who grew up carefully flipping their pajamas inside out and inside out in hopes of catching a glimpse, snow is a powerful reminder of childhood snow days. That fun surprise when what was supposed to be a day of sitting at school turns out to be a day filled with snowmen. Fights and sledding.
But even if you don’t feel nostalgic, there are many reasons why snow fascinates people. In fact, psychologist and author Kari Leibowitz says snow literally changes our physical experience of the world. For example, newly fallen snow is porous, so it absorbs sound better, making the world quieter.
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And it affects our vision even more strongly. “There’s something so beautiful about clean, fresh, white snow,” says Leibovitz, who has written a book about winter mental health. One aspect of its visual appeal is the way the snow reflects light during the dark months, she added. “Many people really struggle with the darkness of winter as much as they struggle with the cold,” she says. “So I think the brightness effect of snow is really powerful.”
Stewart says snow can also change the very shape of the world we see around us, pointing out how a new blanket of snow can both hide and reveal our surroundings. “Sometimes things you see every day suddenly look completely different,” he says. “You might be able to see this place in a new light.”
Leibovitz said snow often prompts people to change the way they interact with their surroundings. “I think snow and ice gives us something to work with in a sensory way. It’s very playful and very childlike,” Leibovitz says. “There are so many things you can do tactilely.”
Whether school is closed or not, snow shakes up daily life. “When snow prevents you from actually going places or doing something, it’s a disruption of the norm. It can be annoying and frustrating and an inconvenience, but it can also be very fun and very exciting. “Yes,” says Leibovitz.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about our response to snow is the tension itself. Snow can be magical if the conditions are right. However, for certain people and under other circumstances, the same weather can be completely opposite, annoying, tiring, and even depressing. “Experiencing a bit of a traditionally dark winter, even the mysterious occurrence of snow, can be experienced as very psychologically difficult for sensitive people,” Stewart said. says.
Leibovitz argues that by adopting a mindset that embraces seasonal changes, people can remain open to the potential appeal of snow. “I think in many places in America, we fool ourselves into thinking, ‘Let’s do what we always do, put on our coats and hats and call it a day,'” she said. says. . “We haven’t adapted enough. We haven’t changed our behavior enough. So the cold and darkness and all that stuff is just a burden.”
Drawing inspiration from long nights and cold days, Leibovitz recommends slowing down in winter, and argues that snow can be a helpful cue to do so. “This is a clear visual reminder that we are in a different season, so it may encourage people to respond more adaptively,” she says.
But as climate change continues, some historically snowy regions will lose their most magical precipitation, leaving only cold rain. “There are many places in the world that sit on this border, where just a few degrees of warming can mean the difference between a white, snowy winter and a gray, rainy winter,” Leibovitz says. “I think there is a lot that is lost when we succumb to the cold or the snow.”