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HomeGadgets and ReviewsWhy the NSA Is Right About Restarting Your Smartphone Weekly

Why the NSA Is Right About Restarting Your Smartphone Weekly

Photos of Galaxy S24 ultra

Yes, the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
photograph: Florence Ion / Gizmodo

Ah, the irony. National Security Agency They suggest that smartphone users should turn off their phones every now and then. But the NSA is right: To ward off evil spirits, you need to reboot your phone periodically. Some phones even let you schedule reboots so you don’t have to think about it.

Forbes discovered Very old NSA documents It outlines best practices for keeping your phone safe from bad actors in the digital space. The phones pictured are a 2010s iPhone with the original push-button home button, and a Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

It includes over a dozen tips, from “consider using biometric authentication” to “only use genuine charging cords.” Basic We’ve seen it before, but one piece of advice that’s getting everyone’s attention is the NSA’s suggestion to power cycle your devices every week, which isn’t a foolproof solution but could help reduce zero-click attacks and spear-phishing malware.

If you’re hearing this for the first time, this is already Common methods among smartphone users.

This is an easy way to force a dwindling software update or clear background apps and memory leaks that are causing your metal phone to get too hot and cumbersome. I reboot a lot because I have problems with cell signal where I live. A quick reboot usually fixes the problem, but it keeps my heart pounding while I wait for the cell service bars to come back.

Many manufacturers have already Built-in The ability to reboot your phone periodically. This includes Samsung’s Galaxy devices and the latest OnePlus devices. The Google Pixel doesn’t offer a periodic feature, but it does have an option that you can toggle to have your device automatically reboot when it receives an over-the-air (OTA) software update. iOS users can Create an automation My iPhone restarts every few days.



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