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HomeGadgets and ReviewsYes, That Was Who You Thought It Was in The Acolyte

Yes, That Was Who You Thought It Was in The Acolyte

In most cases, Acolyte Sets it apart from the rest Star Wars-the Placement on the timelineThe desire to focus on 100 years before the prequel trilogy led to New characters and explorationor rather, something familiar. But it do not have Some interesting connections…

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…or a familiar face. AcolyteI had heard that the series would be set at the end of the High Republic era. Just one character from The High Republic Rebecca Henderson’s Vernestra Law, whose novels and comics were going to be featured in the show. No one knew anything about it apart from that. Seriously! A point of viewBecause we didn’t bring anyone else from the world. The High Republic The transmedia initiative in today’s episode featured someone I actually knew from film.

In a brief scene at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Vernestra and other senior Jedi discuss with Master Sol where they should head the murder investigation. I’ll take him nextFor just a moment, one of the other Masters discusses the possibility that a Jedi rebel faction could be behind the assassin, and a Jedi of a familiar species joins the discussion: a large-headed Therian in the white-and-beige temple robes of the High Republic era. For a second, you might think that couldn’t be the case, but his eyes are yellow, and his hair and beard are gray and long, but in a similar style. Could it really be?

Image from the article

screenshot: Lucasfilm

Yes, as the credits of “Day” attest, it is indeed Ki-Adi-Mundi (here played by Derek Arnold), a future member of the Jedi Council, Attack on the Wookiees (To be honest, his existence is even more entertaining), and AcolyteThe first major Star Wars cameo.

Ki-Adi-Mundi’s presence is so fleeting that you don’t even realize it’s him until his name appears in the credits, and he may have even been one of the Therian Jedi. This raises a lot of questions. The Phantom Menace Regarding the Sith not showing up for 1000 years: In this scene, the assembled Jedi, Ki-Adi, doesn’t even consider that May might be trained by the Sith, instead suggesting that she might go rogue, and even then, the Jedi leave the meeting with the possibility of being trained by the Sith. all This information is kept confidential. Jedi are good liarsand if Ki Adi Mundi withdraws from this investigation, Acolyte Then again, he’d never actually seen a Sith anyway.

No, for example Chair Droid For him, the question here is rather existential. old Is Ki Adi Mundi here? This was 100 years ago. The Phantom Menaceand he looks like an adult male here. Could he really have been that old by the time of the Clone Wars? Not much is known about Therian society or biology. Star Wars While not canon now, in the old Expanded Universe, Therian males actually aged at a much faster rate than other generations The female population is much largerA Serean male who lived beyond the age of 60 was considered essentially an ancient man. AcolyteIt seems that Kiady had pushed it to at least 130, 150. Revenge of the Sith (Obviously from multiple blaster bolts to the chest, not from old age.) With that in mind, how long had he been on the Jedi Council? From the way he’s phrased it here, he’s not yet a member of the Council, just one Jedi Master among many. But what does it mean that the High Council and its members have been there for hundreds of years? Yoda, Yaddle, Yarael Poof, and now Ki-Adi-Mundi… why didn’t they put term limits on anyone?!

And at the very least, these questions are actually Acolyte That in itself is amazing! The fact that he is here means Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano appear The Mandalorianor Mando himself takes control. Some episodes Boba Fett’s BookIt’s a cameo, sure, but it doesn’t take over the story of the episode completely, nor is it emphasized as such for the show to pause and go, “Look! You know that!” Ki-Adi shows up, has a few lines of dialogue with the Jedi, and is gone, and the episode continues. A surprise, sure, but a welcome one.

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