Shortly after the arrest of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, a warning message began appearing among the German far-right that had been viewed more than…
“Musk and other executives should face criminal liability,” Bruce Daisley, a former Twitter executive who worked at the company’s UK offices, said days after protesters in…
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been charged with complicity in running an online platform that allegedly enabled the dissemination of sexual images of children and has…
French prosecutors issued preliminary information in a press release on Monday about their investigation into Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was suddenly arrested at Paris’ Le…
“Civil society has had a complicated relationship with Telegram for many years,” says Natalia Capriva, a lawyer at the digital rights group Access Now. “We have…
The founders revealed their third inspiration, and it’s a lesser known one: TikTok.”First there was, which almost died,” the founders say of TikTok’s prototype. Then…
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